South park season 4 episode guide

 1.)The Tooth Fairy’s Tats 2000


Theme – Cartman and the gang get into the underground Tooth Fairy business by placing stolen teeth under rich kids’ pillows and taking the money.

Main Characters – Cartman, Loogie

Description – When Cartman realizes how much money he can get from the Tooth Fairy, he decides to make some money by stealing teeth and putting them under his pillow. When the boys discover that the Tooth Fairy is fake, they enter into a world of organized crime involving teeth on the black-market. The boys team up with Loogie’s gang, but realize they can make more money by opening their own business.

Highlights – The first appearance of Timmy.

The two “Tooth Fairies” fighting.

2.)Cartman’s Silly Hate Crime 2000


Theme – Cartman goes to juvenile hall for committing a hate-crime after throwing a rock at Token.
Main Characters – Cartman, Token, Romper Stomper

Description – Cartman throws a rock at Token and is put in juvenile hall by the FBI for committing a hate crime. With the upcoming sled race, Stan, Kyle and Kenny need Cartman’s weight so they can beat the girls. As the boys try to get Cartman out of prison, Cartman learns to adapt with his cellmate Romper Stomper. The two boys come up with their own escape.

Highlights – Cartman “poops out” cigarettes for Romper Stomper and accidentally flushes them down the toile

3.)Timmy 2000


Theme – Timmy becomes a rock star and a protest led by Phil Collins ensues while, South Park puts the kids on Ritalin.

Main Characters – Timmy, Phil Collins

Description – Timmy becomes the front man for “Lords of the Underworld” and Phil Collins leads a protest against him. Collins schemes break up the band and prevent Timmy from playing. The kids at South Park Elementary are misdiagnosed with ADD and prescribed with Ritalin. They passively go along with the protest against Timmy and its up to Chef to wake up the children and their parents and save the day. (69)

Highlights – “Timmy! Timmy!” Cartman sees scary, little pink Christina Aguilera Monsters.

4.)Quintuplets 2000


Theme – The Marshes take in a group of Romanian quintuplets, but the Romanian government tries to force their return. Kenny becomes a talented opera singer.

Main Characters – Quintuplets, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, Cartman

Description – After their grandmother dies, a group of contorting quintuplets from Romania seek shelter with the Marsh family. The boys want to create their own circus and use the quintuplets as their star act. Trouble follows when the Romanian government partners with Janet Reno to return their girls to their father. Meanwhile, Kenny becomes a talented opera singer in Romania.

Highlights – Janet Reno as the gun-toting Easter Bunny. Nod to the Elian Gonzalez affair.

5.)Cartman Joins NAMBLA


Theme – Tired of Stan, Kyle and Kenny’s immaturity, Cartman joints NAMBLA to find more “mature” friends. Kenny tries to kill his mother’s unborn baby.

Main Characters – Cartman, Kenny

Description – When Cartman decides to find more “mature” friends on the Internet, he becomes the poster-child for the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a group of pedophiles looking to have a sexual relationship with young boys. The boys set out with FBI agents and a group of Marlon Brando look-alikes to take NAMBLA down. Meanwhile, Kenny tries to abort his mother’s unborn fetus.

Highlights – North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes

“Dude! You have s*x with children!”

6.)Cherokee Hair Tampons

Theme – Kyle needs a kidney transplant and his mom is determined to heal him with holistic medicine. Mr. Garrison writes a romance novel.

Main Characters – Kyle, Stan, Mr. Garrison

Description – Kyle is very sick and needs a kidney transplant. Two problems: Cartman is the only possible donor, and Kyle’s mom is determined to heal him with the “natural” medicine of Miss Information. Stan is determined to save his best friend, but everyone in South Park is under Miss Information’s spell. Mr. Garrison writes a romance novel only to discover its appeal to homosexual men.

Highlights – Cheech and Chong selling coat hangers as dream catchers and Cherokee hair tampons.

7.)Chef Goes Nanners


Theme – Its Chef versus Jimbo in whether or not to change South Park’s racist flag. South Park is left divided. Wendy finds herself attracted to Cartman.

Main Characters – Chef, Jimbo, Wendy, Cartman, Stan

Description Chef is angry about South Park’s racist flag and wants it changed. Jimbo and Ned want to keep it the same, but are horrified when they find themselves on the same side as the KKK. South Park is divided and use the children to argue each side. Wendy and Cartman are on the same team, and Wendy finders herself attracted to Cartman.

Highlights – “Who’s got the silliest thing on under their robe?”

Wendy dreams about Cartman.

8.)Something You Can Do with Your Finger


Theme – Cartman and the gang start the pop boy-band Finger Bang. Stan’s ambitions make Randy face his demons about his own experience in a boy-band.

Main Characters – Randy, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny

Description – To achieve fame and $10 million, Cartman and the gang form the boy-band Finger Bang. Randy is opposed to his son being in a boy-band because it forces him to come to terms with his past. Eventually he allows Stan to participate in a mall concert. But when Kenny gets killed before the big show, Randy steps up and shows off his skills.

Highlights – Chef advises Cartman to put a cucumber in his pants.

9.)Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?


Theme – The boys are scared that if they don’t confess their sins, that they will go to Hell. Saddam returns to win Satan back.

Main Characters – Satan, Saddam Hussein, Chris
Description – Father Maxi puts the fear of Hell into the boys. The boys learn to avoid Hell, they have to go to Sunday School and confess their sins. But they are scared for Timmy because he can only say his name. The boys find that they cannot trust adults and start up their own church. Saddam Hussein returns to win Satan back.

Highlights -“Where was I gonna go, Detroit?” “Chriiiissss…” Satan’s special way of saying Chris’s name.



Theme – The boys start up their own church, where Cartman becomes its charismatic leader. Satan must choose between Saddam and Chris.

Main Characters – Satan, Saddam Hussein, Chris, Cartman

Description – The boys get their church up and running and Cartman takes over. The new church draws all the children of South Park, but the boys discover that Cartman was only interested in the money. Satan struggles to choose between Saddam and Chris and asks God for help. Satan chooses independence and sends Saddam to Heaven where he must spend eternity with the Mormons, the only religion that got it right.

Highlights – God takes the middle path because he is a Buddhist!

11.)The Fourth Grade Years


Theme – The boys enter fourth grade and don’t like their new teacher, Miss Choksondik. Mr. Garrison attempts to write a romance novel.

Main Characters – Miss Choksondik, Mr. Garrison, Cartman

Description – The children enter the fourth grade and hate it. Cartman convinces the children to travel back in time to the third grade. Their new teacher, Miss Choksondik tries desperately to reach them. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison has gone into hiding and it is up to Miss Choksondik to find him. Mr. Garrison tutors her and finally admits that he is gay.

Highlights – The faculty are flashed by Miss Choksondik and Chef throws up.

12.)Trapper Keeper


Theme – Cartman’s trapper keeper threatens to destroy the world and its up to the boys to save the day. Ike competes for kindergarten class president.

Main Characters – Cartman, Ike

Description – Cartman loves his new high-tech trapper keeper. A cyborg from the future, calling himself Bill Cosby, travels back to destroy Cartman’s trapper keeper before it can merge with other computers to destroy humanity. But the trapper keeper merges with his computer and consumes Cartman. Kyle saves Cartman and the trapper keeper is destroyed after getting sick from eating Rosie O’Donnell. Meanwhile, Ike battles Filmore to be kindergarten class president.

Highlights – Cool hybridization of Cartman and his trapper keeper. Rosie O’Donnell is told-off by Mr. Garrison.

13.)Helen Keller! The musical


Theme – Timmy stars as Helen Keller in the fourth grade play. It becomes a war of two turkeys as Timmy strives to save his friend, Gobbles.

Main Characters – Timmy!!! Gobbles

Description – Timmy has the starring role of Helen Keller in the fourth grade play, “The Miracle Worker.” Butters informs the class of how greater the kindergarten’s play is, and Cartman is determined not to be upstaged. The play becomes a musical extravaganza and Timmy gets a new friend, a handicapped turkey named Gobbles. It becomes a battle between two turkeys as Timmy fights to save Gobbles.

Highlights – “Gobbles!” Timmy is able to say something other than his name.



Theme – In a surprisingly accurate adaptation of “Great Expectations,” Pip’s story is narrated by Malcolm McDowell. Of course it ends with a South Park twist.

Main Characters – Pip, Malcolm McDowell

Description – Pip’s story is told in the unique adaptation of “Great Expectations.” While working for Miss Havisham, Pip falls in love with Estella. Miss Havisham uses Estella to break Pip’s heart, so he travels to London to become a gentleman. Pip and his friends thwart Miss Havisham’s plot to break men’s hearts and collect their tears to power her Genesis device to fuse her soul with Estella’s, continuing her revenge.

Highlights – Estella shows she has no heart by killing all the baby bunnies.

15.)Fat camp


Theme – Cartman is sent to Fat Camp to lose weight, but uses the opportunity to make money. Kenny becomes a reality TV star.

Main Characters – Cartman, Kenny

Description – When Cartman is sent to Fat Camp, he sells junk food to the fat kids. A thin kid from the drug rehab center masquerades as Cartman and smuggles in junk food. Kenny becomes a reality TV star, where people pay him to do gross things. Cartman’s is found out and he is kicked out of Fat Camp after his double dies in Miss Crabtree’s uterus.

Highlights – “Mr. Candy-Bar doesn’t judge you, Chad. Mr. Candy-Bar likes you just the way you are.”

16.)The Wacky Molestation Adventure


Theme – Kyle tells the police that his parents molested him and the other kids follow suit. South Park becomes a wasteland with no parents.

Main Characters – Kyle, Stan, Cartman, Mark, Linda

Description – When Kyle’s parents refuse to allow him to see the Raging Pussies concert, he reports that they molested him. The rest of the kids then say their parents molested them. A couple’s car breaks down in South Park, and they find a warzone of two divided towns. The parents come back after the kids confess they lied; but not without being brain-washed into thinking that they actually molested their kids.

Highlights – “We want to play with you…” Very freaky kindergartener

18.)A Very Crappy Christmas


Theme – Kyle and the boys get Mr. Hankey and his Nuggets to help restore the true spirit Christmas to South Park.

Main Characters – Kyle, Mr. Hankey, the Nuggets

Description – When Mr. Hankey is a no-show, the boys find him living in the sewer with his wife and children, the Nuggets. South Park has lost the Christmas spirit, so they decide to make their own Christmas special to bring it back. But when the film malfunctions, the town is discouraged. Mr. Hankey and the Nuggets save the day when they fix the film and show the their Christmas special.

Highlights – “Oh! Sorry! You might get some germs while you’re walking around in human feces!”

Description: In this episode Kyle’s little brother is taken away to Canada by his birth parents. Kyle goes and asks his three friends to go to Canada with him to go see the prime minister and get Ike back. However the boys only agree to go with Kyle to help get Ike back. After they find out their will be no Christmas if they don’t get Ike back. So the four boys bargain with the owner of City Wok for a cheap flight to Canada. They end up crash landing in Canada where they get instructions on how to get to the prime minister. Along the way they collect three new acquaintances. So they all go off to see the prime minister only to discover that he is Sudan Husain in disguises.

Highlight: This episode has similarities that resemble the wizard of oz.


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