South Park Season 17 episode guide

The seventeenth season of South Park was first aired between September 27 and December 11 of 2013. This season contains ten episodes that all run for about twenty-two minutes. Delivering South Park's usual mix of satire, dark humor, and parody South Park season 17 is an excellent viewing choice.

1.) Let Go, Let Gov

Becoming increasingly convinced that Kyle is a government agent, Cartman decides to infiltrate the NSA. Cartman does this with the use of a brain implanted social media device that automatically tweets a persons thoughts. Cartman, eventually becoming a NSA employee, then becomes disillusioned and flees to Russia.

Butters, inspired by a meeting with the Jehovah's Witnesses, goes to the South Park DMV to confess his sins. This eventually leads to grand revelations about Butter's past, and a scandal revolving around child s*x abuse.

2.) Informative Murder P**n

A documentary about the dangers of "Murder P**n" takes the little town of South Park by storm. Luckily, Kyle is prepare to combat this menace, and calls a meeting of South Park's children. Kyle decides to employee a "parent lock" to keep the parents of South Park from committing murder. The parents of South Park resolve to learn computer gaming, and so battle ensues in the virtual realm of Minecraft.

3.) World War Zimmerman

In an excellent parody of World War Z, Cartman becomes increasingly concerned about the dangers of the token black kid. Cartman writes a zombie survival guide, survives numerous plane crashed, and become increasingly distraught by Colorado's lack of stand-your-ground laws. Cartman eventually goes to Florida to confront George Zimmerman.

4.) Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers

As the fear of Goth kids takes over South Park, Henrietta is sent to a camp for troubled kids. She returns slightly turned into an emo. This sends the rest of the goth kids into panic, and they must seek collaboration with the emo kids to survive.

5.) Taming Strange

South Park Elementary starts using a new computer system. The system shows that Ike has entered puberty before Kyle. In order to solve this problem the school does the right thing and updates their system.

Also, the Canadian Minister of Health offers a public service announcement of about the importance of a woman's queefing and reproduction.

6.) Ginger Cow

Cartman's prank inadvertently results in a thousand years of world peace. Religious leaders flock to South Park to witness a miracle. Kyle and Cartman fight over who will rule the world during this time.

7.) Black Friday

As the first installment of a three episode story arch the children of South Park split into two warring clans. Kyle, the member of the faction intent on purchasing discount Xbox ones, fights against Stan the leader of the PS4 clan.

Randy takes a job as a mall security guard, and quickly falls victim to the gangs' game of thrones style battle.

8.) A Song of Ass and Fire

In the second installment of the three part story arch, a mob of shoppers gather outside of the local mall. The children battle in the parking lot. Butters is sent by Cartman to George R. R. Martin's home to learn a way to beat Kyle's faction. Kyle allies himself with a murderous Bill Gates.

9.) Ti**ies and Dragons

In the final installment of the three part story arch, Princess Kenny uses his magical powers to battle for the PS4 faction. Dismayed by the shittiness of the PS4 Kyle and Cartman switch sides.

10.) The Hobbit

A conflict between Butters and Wendy's shy friend results in Wendy speaking out against the rampant photoshopping of famous women. Specifically, that Kim Kardashian is actually a Hobbit. This leads to Kanye West fighting to prove that she is not a Hobbit.


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